|-- root
| |-- docs (Public)
| | |-- assets - Images and icons
| | |-- build - Compiled JS & CSS
| | |-- css - Stores Atomic & Global SCSS
| | `-- Galileo - /Galileo
| `-- src
| |-- data - All JSON static data
| |-- pages - All Pages/Tabs
| |-- shared - Components shared in multiple pages
| `-- micro, nano - Components to large to be in pages
|-- package.json
|-- rollup.config
`-- lic, readme
Starting Up
After cloning the repo. In a terminal in the repo. You may use npm or pnpm
$ npm install pnpm
$ pnpm i
$ npm run dev
# for the SCSS compilers (global/atomic)
$ npm run sass:global
# build
$ npm run build
Go to Point your web browser to http://localhost:5000