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  1. External Files
  2. Data Protection
    1. Images
    2. Text
    3. Hyperlinks
  3. Javascript

External Files

  • All external files for JS must have an integrity check and a cross origin anonymous. This will prevent data compromised on the fly from being used.

Data Protection

Since all repositories are open source, data must be protected in case anything is sensitive to prevent scraping.


  • Images are to be fetched, converted to Image Objects and pushed to Canvas to paint it.


  • Any text/urls that need to be obfuscated are to be converted to base64 and used by converting back on run. Ex. fetch(atob(URL64)). Custom functions may be created for this purpose
  • Any hyperlinks out of domain should be with rel referrer and set it to anonymous to protect the current browser of the website


  • DON’T use eval, if it is absolutely unavoidable even with new Function, convert it to eval2 = eval to scope it.
  • Add a return value to all functions. If they don’t serve the purpose of calculation, add a return 0 at the end to ensure clean termination.
  • Add a catch to any promise based functions to ensure that the current series of actions does not terminate.

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