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  1. Nomenclature
    1. Functions & Variables
    2. Classes & Functors
    3. Constants
  2. Algorithmic
    1. Nesting
    2. Avoid Very Large functions
    3. Avoid inline functions
  3. Optimisations


Please use meaningful, crisp, self explainatory names. Don’t worry about efficiency, we have a compiler to take care of that. For example to get user’s bank information, getUserBankInfo is much more appropriate than getUserInfo

Consistency: If for example we need a CRUD function, we use create, get or update with the name. If we need to get user info from the database, then the name of the function can be userInfo, user or fetchUser, but this is not the convention. We should use getUser.

Avoid: One letter variable names (other than in loop iterators). You are not a compiler. Let the compiler do its job. Stop optimising. const q, function f etc.

Functions & Variables


let camelCase = ''

const thisIsCamelCase = () => {
    //so something

function thisIsCamelCase2 () {
    //so something

Classes & Functors


//bad practice
class MakeCar = {
//Good practice
class Car = {



const DAYS_IN_A_YEAR = 365;



Avoid nesting too much. A js nest of 2 levels is understandable, one of 3 levels is extremely sub par, one of 4 or beyond is absolute garbage rewrite the section.

// bad practice
const array = [ [ ['SEDS Celestia'] ] ]
array.forEach((firstArr) =>{
    firstArr.forEach((secondArr) => {
        secondArr.forEach((element) => {

// good practice
const array = [ [ ['SEDS Celestia'] ] ]
const getValuesOfNestedArray = (element) => {
        return getValuesOfNestedArray(element[0])
    return element

Avoid Very Large functions

One function should serve a total of 1 task. Preprocessing for that task may be included basis convenience

// bad practice
const addSub = (a,b) => {
    // add
    const addition = a+b
    // sub
    const sub = a-b
    // returning as a string
    return `${addition}${sub}`

// good practice
// add
const add = (a,b) => {
    return a+b
// sub
const sub = (a,b) => {
    return a-b

Avoid inline functions

Inline functions trigger a full component rerender even if it is not needed, that is just wasteful even if props don’t change. It also increases the app footprint by about 40% (For that function).

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class BadParent extends Component{
    render() {
        return (
                onClick={()=> console.log('This is bad practice')}

class GoodParent extends Component{
    function doWork() {
        console.log('This is Good practice')
    render() {
        return (
            <Child onClick={doWork} />


We do not define any file budgets on any page (If you’re crossing 100kb of just JS, please stop doing WebD, its not for you). The only condition is that with the exception of with WebGL EVERY SINGLE page should have a Time to Interactive less than 1 second on GTMetrix

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